1. Thought there might be power outage today, so this morning we rushed to the bank to withdraw all our money in the account.
2. Had to print out some thank you msg for all the teachers and co-workers & write down the reason for quitting the job.
3. Rushed to the cell phone company to change the contract to the cheapest option. It took forever...
4. Bought 5 boxes of thank you presents for the office and teachers. 6 bottles of sake as thank you present for the supervisors.
5. Dropped off thank you present to my doctor.
6. Went to my junior high to pay off my lunch fees and thank all of teachers.
7. Supervisor came to check on my apartment & and more cleaning needed to be done. Getting rid of the garbagges in Japan is more difficult than you can imaging. I had to take everything apart and seperate them in burnable / unburnable/ recyclable plastics/ dangerous/ paper/ paper boards/ pet bottles/ cans/ bins.
8. Went back to my office for the last time to drop off anything that needs to be give away. Made a small leaving speech.
9. Mark took us to drop off our rental car. Used up 2 hours just to drive there and back.
10. Had the last dinner with Mark.
(My last meal of Sapporo ramen and the best gyoza in Nagaoka.)
11. Went back to the apartment for last minute packing & book taxi.
12. Finally, took the taxi to the night bus terminal at 9pm and headed for Osaka station.
It takes 10 hours ride to get from Nagaoka to Osaka
Just when we were about to board the bus, Mark get us his handmade cards & Yoshikawa-sensei gave us her handmade bento so we can have some food on our long journey home.
Everyone was crying, it was the saddest moment that I haven't encountered for a long time.
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