After the I woke up around noon, I turned on the TV only to find out that the situation got worse... Realised that where I live had a magnitude of 6 earthquake last night.
Not only were there more big earthquakes happening, but the nuclear plant was down...
Although the nuclear plant that was about to explode was located in 福島 We actually have a nuclearn plant in 長岡 too. Very close to the place I live... Good thing the earthquake at my place was not as serious.
After watching the news, Chris and I actually thought of leaving the country. So we drove to the nearest travel agency trying to book a ticket escaping to Taiwan. Unfortunately flights are fully booked... So we gave up on that idea...
Then we went to the cash machine and withdraw lots cash & fill the car up with full tank petro & went to supermarket and began panic buying.
There seems to be a lot of people panic buying too... supermarket was full of people and long line up.
We decided maybe we will drive down to the south for the weekend to stay away from nuclear explosion. We phoned Mark to ask him what he thought about our nuclear escape plan, but Mark didn't seem too concerned.
By the evening, they have increased the evacuation near the plant to 20km.
My uncle on facebook was like "it's leaking now!!!!!" "Drive away! Go as far as you can!"
So yeah... Chris and I started to panic even more. We packed our luggage and my mom phoned and said "take your passport too!!!"
And then I phoned my boss telling him that me and Chris might go away for a long weekend. And my boss was like "NO! Stay where you are. Don't move!" I wasn't going to listen to my boss anyway if we really had to escape.
God... it was so tense! Never thought such thing would happen to us. We even thought of quiting our job and never returning to Japan again.
However, although we were all packed, we didn't go anywhere because the news said that the nuclear plant has become more stable but if it did still explode, we could be in danger... depending on where the wind would blow!!!...
At night, another earthquake notice was announced. Location was 新瀉縣 again...
Me and Chris thought we should all evacuate to the bedroom because there's no other funitures and obsticles. We turned off the heater and just sat on the ground watching the news from the bed room and waiting for the earthquake to happened...
We were waiting & waiting & waiting, but it wasn't coming...
Me: I want to go brush my teeth. And go to sleep...
Chris: No, you should wait...
Me: urg... but's the earthquake is not coming!!!
Chris: be patient.
(after a while later)
Me: The earthquake is never gonna come... maybe it's a false alarm. Can I go brush my teeth now...
Chris: um... these things should happen really quick after the warning... let me check the computer.
(after checking)
Chris: oh... it happened already... it was only magnitude 3. (so we didn't feel the shake)
Me: ok...can I finally go brush my teeth now?
Chris: ok, but I am coming with you just in case.
(when we are ready to go to bed)
In my bedroom I have sliding door on all the 4 walls = surrounded by doors from all sides.
Chris: we should open the living room door so it doesn't fall on us and move away from the ceiling light.
Me: ok.
Chris: Maybe we should move the futon closer to the kitchen door too.
Me: why...?
Chris: because if the door actually come off it would hurt less if we are closer to it.
Me: Ok. Oh, we should put our coat next to us.
Chris: Ok, I will get it.
Me: Oh... my scarf too. And my car key & my cell phone & and glasses.
Chris: Ok! I should get my wallet too.
Me: where should we put our glasses...? Don't want to step on it when I can't see.
Now thinking about it, our conversation was kindda funny.