Lots cars and lots tourists like us.
Lots people buying designer stuff; again, shop full of tourists.
We walked pass by this pastry shop.
Inside was like a paradise, full of fancy looking pastries.
A long counter displayed of never ending sweets xD
Next stop: Eiffle Tower
Enough of sight-seeing the landmarks, we decided just wondering around the streets and visit one of the famous cafe --- Les Duex Magots.
It is a historical cafe visited by many famous writers. We found the name of the cafe kind of funny, that was our reason for dropping by the cafe.
On our way, there was a cute street and a cute flower shop.
At first we ordered a tea, a coffee, and a parfait.
Then, a waitress brought a huge tray full of different cakes and pastry.
As I was staring into the huge tray of fancy desserts, Chris told me to pick one.
So, I picked this small pretty pink macaron decorated with a rose petal on top.
I must say, it was the best dessert I have ever had. It was rose flavored, sandwitch with respberry in the middle and with lychee in the center. It smells just like perfume to me.
And then... the bill came... the little pink macaron costed 12Euro!!!
I double checked the menu... yup! it was the most expensive dessert in the cafe, called Macaron Ispahan de Pierre Herme.
Side note: in order to use the toilet in the cafe, we had to pay for it!!!!! That is unbelievably inhumane... French people are cheap...
must be one of those cheap cafe, never had that problem. theres public washrooms on the street...