秋天很多船隻都不出遊了, 因為風浪變的不穩定.
但是這天我們很幸運, 前一天的地陪連絡到他的朋友帶我們出海.
費用大約£25包括了10am- 5pm 一天的行程 + 船上的午餐 + 喝到飽的酒跟飲料,很划算.
It was lucky for us to find someone able to take us out to the sea at the end of the summer season. It only cost £25 a day trip includung meals and unlimited drinks (including alcohol)*lucky*
一早我們哪裡也不用去, 船長Josip 開著船直接到我們飯店前接我們.
We didn't have to go anywherem, we got picked up infront of our hotel. *lucky*

跟我們同行的還有4個人. 最喜歡迷你團隊了:D
Only 4 people other people on the same boat. *lucky*

其中的2個加拿大籍兄妹聽說他們賣到了便宜機票, 從加拿大到克羅西亞才200多塊.
船上的午餐很好吃, 有烤肉也有新鮮的烤魚.
吃到一半有個白癡的人拿麵包餵天上的海鷗... 突然3隻海鷗變20隻緊跟著我們的船... 原本悠閒的午餐變的超緊張, 邊吃邊擔心海鷗大便在我們身上>.<
Someone tried feeding the seagulls at lunch, it was a stupid move...we got chased by it.

我們一路上停靠了3個小島. 小島上大部分都是住家.

這裡的水到處都很乾淨. 從岸邊往下看還可以看到小魚跟海星喔.
Water is crystal clean! You can see fish and seastars... I mean starfish >.<

最後的一個島上有沙灘, 而且水很淺很適合游泳, 所以我們在這個島上停留特別久.

Chris還真的到岸邊的小店買泳褲跑去游, 聽說海水是溫的.
The sea is warm!

岸邊有個小孩跟一隻大狗. 克羅西亞的大狗很喜歡那日本小孩, 大狗跟著那小孩整整一個多小時, 真是溫馨的畫面啊.
A big dog and a child playing by the beach completes the image of a perfect beach.

我們的船長超隨性, 他讓我們大家輪流當船長開他的船.
他應該開船開到膩了吧, 希望夏天快結束可以不用再和一群喝醉酒的觀光客混在一起.
The captain let everyone drive the boat. I had a chance to be a captain too.
I think he's just too sick of his job by the end of the season... he wouldn't care anymore and just sat on the toilet for the whole jouney back.