Today is a bit too overwhelming for me...
The day started off with me almost late for my elementary school because my alarm clock didn't go off.
Got up around 7:45am... only 15 mins for me to get ready for school.
As a result, I had my breakfast in my car.
During lunch break, the kids wanted to play with me.
They took me to the gym.
I didn't really want to go, I was too full to move around. But I had to go with them...
When we got to the gym, I suggested that we play "monkey in the middle" so I can just throw a ball around and avoid running. But they told me that they are not allowed to get any balls.
They wanted to play tag. TAG is the last thing that I want to play!!!! grahhh....but I had to....
And here comes the funny part---> I hit my nose on a metal monkey bar while I was chasing the kids...(it's too complicated to explain how I end up injuring my nose)
#$%&@*%& I HATE TAG!!!!!!!
For awhile I had a bump on my nose and I thought that my nose had grew taller.
After lunch, we had a halloween lesson with the special need kids.
I dressed up in a Godzilla costume.
Some kids on the hall way saw me while I was walking to my class, and they just shouted "monster! monster!"
A kid even grabbed my Godzilla tail.
Then one of the teachers said to me "Godzilla suits you~"
That comment really made me paused for a second.
Am I supposed to take it as a compliment or are you saying that my personality or my appearance is like a monster?
And here comes the most shocking part of my day at work.
During the special needs' Halloween lesson, a boy took off his pants and underwear all of a sudden.
I saw his private part.
I think I kindda screamed..."ah!"