Saturday, April 21, 2012


OMG OMG OMG I finally made up my mind on applying for the course at Le Cordon Bleu. I hope that I have made the right decision and everything will be fantastic.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Tina: I inserted the English version just for you <3

Recently I find myself talking to strangers more often.
Probably cauz I don't really know anyone in London.
I am hoping that by doing so, good things could happen to me.
之前讀到:有許多的工作機會並不是上網找就有的; 反而身邊的人更有可能帶來機會.
總之, 我就看到坐我對面的印度男手上拿了一份資料, 上面印了公司名字JLT.
於是我就偷偷假裝在玩我的iphone, 但其實是在查看JLT到底是什麼東東...
查了之後發現, 是間超大的保險顧問公司在溫哥華也有耶! 所以我就朝著這點進攻.
後來印度男好心的說要幫我把我的履歷表遞給他公司有關的人士... 只不過履歷表遞出去後還沒有下文.
Just couple weeks ago, I was brave enough to start a approach an Indian guy on the train to work.
My objective is to get new job opportunities.
I read somewhere: A lot of the job opportunities are not posted on the website; in fact, it is most likely to find a job from people around you.
Anyway, so I saw the Indian guy seating infront of me studying a copy of handouts. The company name JLT was printed on top.
So... I pretended to play with my iphone, but actually I started searching about JLT, trying to find out what it is.
And I found that it's a big company, which also has a branch in Vancouver.
Base on this information, I started the conversation with him.
At the end, he kindly offered to pass my CV to the reference person in his office.
I actually gave him my CV, but no news from his company >.<
我坦白的告訴了她我最近面臨了難以抉擇的事, 希望問問她的想法.
她介紹了一本書給我, 並非常的鼓勵我.
而且她告訴我雖然她從事金融顧問, 但她晚上會去上課希望能轉行當刑警. 厲害吧?
Today, while having lunch in my office building, I met a very positive lady from Romania.
I actually shared with her my current dilemma.
She introduced to me a book, and she also encouraged me alot.
She also told me, eventhough she is working as a financial consultant, she attends class at night, hoping that she would become a detective police one day. Isn't that impressive!
It's actually rewarding talking to strangers sometimes.